I bring products from vague concept to shipping code.
If you want a new product, or open source project, to exist — but you don’t have the right person to figure it out and make it happen — I may be able to help you.
I’m a strong developer with technical experience all over the map, and I’m also comfortable with business and design concerns. I specialize in translating high-level goals into a concrete technical approach … and I can write code too.
You can delegate goals to me, rather than detailed technical tasks. This means you can “order” that project you wish you had, keeping tabs on a high level, but not have to figure out every little question yourself.
I love to go from vague ideas and an empty code repository, to a real product that exists. I’ve done this many times and this is what I do.
For any single task, you might be able to hire a specialist who knows it better. But for a not-yet-defined-in-detail project with many facets, I take a generalist approach to figure it out.
What’s my job title? Technical cofounder, product manager, product designer, API designer, technical lead, programmer, open source maintainer… all of the above. I am about synthesizing the big picture into an achievable technical action plan.
I’ve shipped a lot of products in my career.
… story of the above as applied to a few projects …
… contact info …